>>>Product List<<<
Industry wool felt
Polishing felt wheels
Buffing pad &Polishing Bonnet
Felt strips & Felt canister
Wool felt bobs
Oil seals & Felt seals pads
Adhesive-backed felt
Decorate& Felt Colors
Felt wicking
Felt Pen Point
Felt sheet
Protector felt pads
Felt painting
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Add:Yejin Street,Xingtai,              Hebei,China
>>Product List>>Felt wicking ISO9001:2000
ZB-MZS01   Felt wicking ZB-MZS01   Felt wicking

Our products own such an extraordinary wicking capability that fluid can flow, causing no deterioration.
They have strong capacities for absorbing water, and thus they are able to retain for many times, and its function is in the transfusion.
Blankets are very good oil absorbents, yet not be damaged.

Products can be used as axis lubrication
liquid drive
Ink pad
smear appliances
liquid absorber


Copyright©2008-2010 Felt wicking, Felt Canister, Felt Ribbon, Wool Felt Strips
Zhongbang Wool Felt Manufacturing Co.,Ltd
Inc. All rights reserved